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Li Wang Lab


王丽,研究员,博士生导师。2006年武汉大学本科毕业,2011年获得中国科学院植物研究所植物进化方向博士学位,其后相继在美国德州理工大学,爱荷华州立大学和加州大学戴维斯分校从事博士后研究。以第一或通讯作者在Genome Biology (2017), Molecular Biology and Evolution (2020, 2023), Science China Life Science (2022), New Phytologist (2019), Plant Communications (2023), The Plant Journal (2022), Horticulture Research (2023)等国际期刊发表论文20余篇。



2019.7—现在           中国农业科学院农业基因组研究所        研究员  

2018.7—2019.5       美国加州大学戴维斯分校                     研究科学家

2014.4—2019.6       美国爱荷华州立大学                            博士后 

2012.3—2014.3       美国德州理工大学                               博士后  



2006.9 – 2011. 7        中国科学院植物研究所        博士学位            

2009.2 – 2010.11       德国哥廷根大学                  联合培养博士生    

2002.9 – 2006.7        武汉大学                             理学学士        













I. 药用植物进化代谢组研究


组装完成了伞形科当归属重要药用植物当归的染色体级别参考基因组序列,揭示了香豆素类化合物的合成机制,以及异戊烯基转移酶在桑科、豆科、芸香科和伞形科的独立进化机制 (Han et al. 2022 The Plant Journal)。


课题组联合广西林科院,从头组装了芳樟的染色体水平基因组,利用测得基因组的芳香樟进行了组织培养,并将组培材料种植在广西不同气候环境条件的4个地方(钦州、南宁、百色、柳州),比较在相同遗传背景下气候环境因子对芳樟代谢物积累的影响(Jiang et al. 2022 Frontiers in Plant Sciences)。

课题组联合广东省农科院,完成了桑树栽培品种广东桑的高质量基因组,揭示了广东桑驯化、扩张和性状改良的遗传基础,探究了桑树的叶片大小、开花时间等的遗传机制(Dai et al. 2023 Advanced Science)。

课题组联合中山大学,研究了阳春砂道地性的遗传机制,首次挖掘、验证了阳春砂和绿壳砂萜类相关生物合成基因的表达,分析了砂仁4个群体的遗传差异 (Chen et al. 2023 Horticulture Research)。


课题组领衔揭示了川芎的第一个单倍型层面的基因组,筛选并验证了与苯酞类物质相互转化的关键基因,并理清川芎为二倍体杂交种,而藁本为其潜在的亲本之一(Nie et al. 2023 Science Advance, in revision)。


1)通过全基因组重测序揭示了玉米驯化时的瓶颈效应和扩散过程中经历的一系列奠基者效应,这些居群历史动态影响了有害突变在玉米居群中的分布 (Wang et al. 2017 Genome Biology);

2)解析了玉米地方品系适应多个高海拔地区的平行进化现象 (Wang et al. 2020 Molecular Biology and Evolution);

3)利用全基因组重测序数据探讨了有害突变在350个来自不同育种年代的玉米品种中的变化 (Sun et al. 2023 Molecular Biology and Evolution);


1. Sun, S., Wang, B., Li, C., Xu, G., Yang, J., Hufford, MB., Ross-Ibarra, J., Wang, H., Wang, L*. (2023). Unraveling prevalence and effects of deleterious mutations in maize elite lines across decades of modern breeding. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40:msad170. doi:10.1093/molbev/msad170.  (Corresponding author)

2. Chen, X., Sun, S., Han, X., Li, C., Nie, B., Hou, Z., Ji, J., Han, X., Zhang, L., Yue, J., Yang, D., Wang, L*. (2023). Multi-omics comparison among populations of three plant sources of Amomi fructus. Horticulture Research 10:uhad128. doi: 10.1093/hr/uhad128.  (Corresponding author)

3. Dai, F., Zhuo, X., Luo, G., Wang, Z., Xu, Y., Wang, D., Zhong, J., Lin, S., Chen, L., Li, Z., Wang, Y., Zhang, D., Li, Y., Zheng, Q., Zheng, T., Liu, Z., Wang, L*., Zhang, Z., Tang, C. (2023). Genomic resequencing unravels the genetic basis of domestication, expansion, and trait improvement in Morus atropurpurea. Advanced Science 2300039. (Co-corresponding author)

4. Li, C., Huang, W., Han, X., Zhao, G., Zhang, W., He, W., Nie, B., Chen, X., Zhang, T., Bai, W., Zhang, X., He, J., Zhao, C., Fernie, A. R., Tschaplinski, T. J., Yang, X., Yan, S., & Wang, L*. (2023). Diel dynamics of multi-omics in elkhorn fern provides new insights into weak CAM photosynthesis. Plant communications 100594. (Corresponding author)

5. Han, X., Jin, L., Zhao, Z., Xu, X., Liu, S., Huang, Y., Liu, X., Xu, Y., Yang, D., Huang, W., Wang, L*. (2023). Combining the in silico and in vitro assays to identify Strobilanthes cusia kuntze bioactives against penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland) 16, 105. (Corresponding author)

6. Sun, S., Wang, Y., Wei, H., Hufnagel, D.E., Wang, Y., Guo, S., Li, Y., Wang, L*., Qiu, L. (2022). The prevalence of deleterious mutations during the domestication and improvement of soybean. Crop Journal 11, 523-530. (Co-corresponding author)

7. Han, X., Li, C., Sun, S., Ji, J., Nie, B., Maker, G., Ren, Y., Wang, L*. (2022). The chromosome-level genome of female ginseng (Angelica sinensis) provides insights into molecular mechanisms and evolution of coumarin biosynthesis. Plant Journal 112, 1224-1237. (Corresponding author)

8. Fang, Y. H., Qin, X., Liao, Q., Du, R., Luo, X., Zhou, Q., Chen, H., Jin, W., Yuan, Y., Sun, P., Zhang, R., Zhang, J., Wang, L., Cheng, S., Yang, X., Yan, Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, Z., Bai, S., Peer, Y. V.D., Lucas, W. J., Huang, S., Yan, J. (2022). The genome of homosporous maidenhair fern sheds light on the euphyllophyte evolution and defences. Nature Plants 8, 1024-1037. (Co-author)

9. Li, Y. H., Qin, C., Wang, L., Jiao, C., Hong, H., Tian, Y., Li, Y., Xing, G., Wang, J., Gu, Y., Gao, X., Li, D., Li, H., Liu, Z., Jing, X., Feng, B., Zhao, T., Guan, R., Guo, Y., Liu, J., Yan, Z., Zhang, L., Ge, T., Li, X., Wang, X., Qiu, H., Zhang, W., Luan, X., Han, Y., Han, D., Chang, R., Guo, Y., Reif, J. C., Jackson, S. A., Liu, B., Tian, S., Qiu, L. J. (2023). Genome-wide signatures of the geographic expansion and breeding of soybean. Science China Life sciences 66, 350-365. (Co-first author)

10. Barnes, A. C., Rodríguez-Zapata, F., Juárez-Núñez, K. A., Gates, D. J., Janzen, G. M., Kur, A., Wang, L., Jensen, S. E., Estévez-Palmas, J. M., Crow, T. M., Kavi, H. S., Pil, H. D., Stokes, R. L., Knizner, K. T., Aguilar-Rangel, M. R., Demesa-Arévalo, E., Skopelitis, T., Pérez-Limón, S., Muddiman, D. C., Fiehn, O., Runcie, D., Buckler, E. S., Ross-Ibarra, J., Hufford, M. B., Sawers, R. J. H., Rellán-Álvarez, R. (2022). An adaptive teosinte mexicana introgression modulates phosphatidylcholine levels and is associated with maize flowering time. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119, e2100036119. (Co-author)

11. Jiang, R., Chen, X., Liao, X., Peng, D., Han, X., Zhu, C., Wang, P., Hufnagel, D. E., Wang, L*., Li, K., Li, C. (2022). A chromosome-level genome of the camphor tree and the underlying genetic and climatic factors for its top-geoherbalism. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 827890. (Co-corresponding author)

12. Wang, L., Josephs, E. B., Lee, K. M., Roberts, L. M., Rellán-Álvarez, R., Ross-Ibarra, J., Hufford, M. B. (2021). Molecular parallelism underlies convergent highland adaptation of maize landraces. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38, 3567-3580. (First and corresponding author)

13. Wang, L., Beissinger, T. M., Lorant, A., Ross-Ibarra, C., Ross-Ibarra, J., Hufford, M. B. (2017). The interplay of demography and selection during maize domestication and expansion. Genome Biology 18, 215. (First author)

